product details

2CY gear lubricating oil pump

2CY series gear lubricating oil pump is mainly used for conveying lubricating oil in lubrication system of various mechanical equipment, which is suitable for conveying lubricating oil with viscosity of 10. Lubricating oil below 75c. S.T. and temperature below 300 ℃. Stainless steel gear pump can transport oil, beverage and low corrosive liquid without lubrication. Equipped with copper gear, it can transport low internal point liquid, such as gasoline, benzene, etc. In addition to ordinary motor, this series of pumps can also be equipped with explosion-proof motor of the same specification according to the needs of users.


2CY series gear lubricating oil pump is mainly used for conveying lubricating oil in lubrication system of various mechanical equipment, which is suitable for conveying lubricating oil with viscosity of 10. Lubricating oil below 75c. S.T. and temperature below 300 ℃. Stainless steel gear pump can transport oil, beverage and low corrosive liquid without lubrication. Equipped with copper gear, it can transport low internal point liquid, such as gasoline, benzene, etc. In addition to ordinary motor, this series of pumps can also be equipped with explosion-proof motor of the same specification according to the needs of users.

Model meaning













KCB133-960、2CY8-60齿轮式输油泵有采用DU轴承,锡青铜轴承和滚动轴承三种结构,需在订货时注明。订货时未注明者均按DU轴承结构供货。 轴承为内置型式,依靠被输送介质进行润滑;011轴承和锡青铜轴承能在非润滑性介质中工作。



a. 骨架油封:骨架油封的特点是维护、更换方便,成本低,但寿命较短。丁晴胶骨架油封适用于1001:以下工作环境;氟橡胶骨架油封适用于200℃以下工作环境。

b. 1机械密封:机械密封的特点是密封可靠、寿命长,成本高。机械密封的基体用不锈钢制造, 动、静环视介质不同分别由YG8硬质合金或YG8-石墨制造,使用温度在200℃以下。

c. 填料密封:填料密封仅用于高温油泵,其特点是耐高温,有少量泄漏。使用过程中需根据泄漏情况经常进行调整,使用温度在250℃:以下。





2CY型齿轮润滑油泵 性能参数.jpg

Application scope of 2CY gear lubricating oil pump

1. The pump is suitable for conveying all kinds of liquid with lubricity. The temperature is not higher than 70 ℃. If the high temperature is 200 ℃, the high temperature resistant material can be used when contacting with the unit. The viscosity is 5 × 10-5 ~ 1.5 × 10-3 m2 / s.

2. The pump is not suitable for conveying corrosive, hard particles or fibers, highly volatile or low flash point liquid, such as gasoline, benzene, etc.

This type of pump is equipped with a pair of rotary gears in the pump body. Depending on the mutual engagement of the two gears, the whole working chamber in the pump is divided into two independent parts. When the pump is running, the driving gear drives the passive gear to rotate. When the gear disengages from engagement, a local vacuum is formed on the suction side, and the liquid is inhaled. The inhaled liquid fills each tooth valley of the gear and takes it to the discharge side. When the gear enters into meshing, the liquid is squeezed out and discharged from the pump.

Related information

Address:576 Wuding Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai